Monday, July 4, 2011

Oh Noes! The Romanian Abdication!

Twilight Struggle is, at this time, my number one favorite game (that I can get anyone to play...Twilight Imperium is still my top), as well as that of the people on I play on-line about once or twice a week through the great VASSAL module, or face-to-face, and despite my slayer-oath to play the US until I win, I enjoy every game.

TS is what is known as a "Card Driven Game". Players are dealt a hand of cards, each of which has a value (1-4 in TS, more in some games) and an event relevant to the theme of the game. In the case of TS, it is the Cold War. Each card is associated to either one of the superpowers, or to neither. Playing a card with your opponents event triggers the event, giving rise to difficult decisions as the game progresses. There are the ones you would expect, like the Cuban Missile Crisis, U2 Incident, and so forth. There is one, though, that is quite obscure, to me, at least. The Romanian Abdication card. I had no idea that this was considered that important to the Cold War. Anyone familiar with the game would ask, "Why would the US even put influence in Romania!?" Soviets get a free country! Seems that the Romanian Abdication actually was a big deal.

After reading this article, the most fascinating thing about it is this guy is still alive. He is one of the last living heads of state from World War Two. (There are only two others) Forced at gunpoint to quit his throne in 1947, he is ready to pick up where he left off. Trouble is, as of 2008, only 16% want him back.

By the way, Kitchen Debates is actually my favorite card, just for the picture. The look on Khrushchev's face at Nixon (then Vice-President) is classic. "Who the Hell does this jack-ass think he is!?" "I'm Nixon, damn you!"

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